Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Spring Art Session

Five students have made to entire portfolio for Spring session.
We learned from pencil grabbing to shading, brush;water painting.
We were exposed to variety art materials and types of drawing.
Students' all time favorite project was 'Silhouette Self Portrait',
where they can input what they admire the most. It was great opportunity to see what kids have in mind.

We even got to do short presentation on it!
The Black Glue Stained Glass Flowers was other one of our favorite project. This lesson was inspired by the story of "Beauty and Beast".
and here are The Portfolio.
Great job everyone!
Looking forward to meet you in August!
Fall Art Session will begin on August 17th, 2013.
Please reserve yourspace early, spaces are limited to SIX.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

J.A.M. Night Festival

Jesus And Me Night Festival from LAODC was awesome.
Theme from this year was the Creation of God.
We all had blessing time dress up as ant to zibra!

This year's custom winners were Penguin(지수) and Turtle(Dylan)!
Thank you to all staffs and T.A's who voluntered to make this event such wonderful and full filled with joy.


2013 한국일보주최 그림그리기대회 입상작
Claire Song (7th)

Lidia Shin (2)
and Yogurt Time for all the hard work!